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A written journey into social change, this collection contains reflections on social justice and commentary on Voice, Power and reclamation for marginalized communities/ the global MAJORITY. Excerpts from and additions to Notes from an Afro-Genderqueer volumes 1 and 2, no poetry, just justice.


Philosophactivism 1




1. Overworked and Underpaid…what else is   new?
2. Environmental Racism
3.Food. Justice. Part 1: The Color of Food Justice
4. Food Justice Part 2: Queering Justice
5. The thing about poverty
6. No, thank you to your "table" OR Not interested in sitting at your table
7. Visionaries don't need to dream
8. The Master's Tools...
9. I'm not doing this for my health
10. POC Anti -racist organizing and burnout
11. Thoughts from a QPOC going into 2012
12. Occupy Oakland
13. Throwing Stones at the windows of Ivory Tower
(and bringing knowledge to the People for $Free.99)
14. On Being Bilingual
15. Only tell me of the possibilities, please
16. Oppression and Organizing Against Obliviousness

Philosophactivism 2:

Queerbomb Edition

This volume of Philosophactivism was written specifically for the radical queer pride event Queerbomb, held annually in Austin,TX.


1. Another Brown(less) Queerbomb
2. Oppression and Austin: Drag Performance, Racism, Misogyny, Transphobia
3. TDOR Speech 2013: Trans Day of Remembrance/ Reclamation /Resistance
4. Farmer's Markets, Classism/Racism, and moving from Acknowledgment into Action
5. Fed up in Austin
6. On Gentrification
7. The State of Women of Color
8. A Note on my perceived anger and bitterness. Silence, Release, Conviction and Standing in my Power...

Philosophactivism 3:

The Lost Years



Been a long time, shouldn't have left you without a dope zine to read through.

This is the third (and possibly last) volume of the Philosophactivism Series that began in 2011. Consider this like one of those missing zines or books that magically appears from the vault/archives years later- in 2017.

1. Shutting it down without shutting down 
2. The struggle in paradise 
3. Trans Day of Remembrance/Reclamation/

4. Queer.Brown. Economic Sovereignty. 
5.Puerto Rico: My Home 
6. Building with Boricuas 
7. Some Things You Oughtta Know 
8. Race Riot Tour (Series)
9. Queer and Transvisibility, Survival and Soldarity 
10. Joys of Job Hunting while Trans- Part 1 
11. Joys of Job Hunting while Trans- Part 2 
12. On Being Genderqueer 
13. Tú Lucha es Mi Lucha 
14. Afro-Genderqueer at the Austin African American Book Festival Showcase

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